Start Taking Care of Your Skin Today!

Have you ever heard the saying, he who fails to prepare prepares to fail? Well, I don’t really like the way it’s so gender specific with “he” and all, but it’s the truth when it comes to skin care!

The skin is the largest organ in the body, and we must keep it nourished and hydrated.  Regular facials are important for a deep cleanse, and your esthetician can also use this time to properly identify your skin type. Using the appropriate products for your particular skin is extremely important. Regular bar soap and over the counter products with chemicals and fills will dry out the skin.  Pure products with a specific job to do are targeted towards certain cell types. I only carry medical skin care lines backed up by scientific studies, with minimal amounts of additives. 

Early Intervention is also very important to protect skin from sun damage. Today’s younger generations are exposed to more pollution, technology, and sun damage than their parents and grandparents. Through early diagnosis of damage, patients can change their life style and start wearing more effective sun block before the problem becomes serious. We can also use laser treatments in our office to rejuvenate skin and reduce the risk of skin cancers.


Now let’s talk about Botox! Think about how much more effectively you can clear snow if you keep up with the shoveling as the storm progresses, as opposed to trying to do it all at the end! Skin care is the same. For our younger patients, we can use small micro injections of Botox to smooth expression lines before they become static wrinkles.  This “Baby Botox” can begin as early as the mid-20s as a preventative measure.  Keep in mind that Botox cannot be use during pregnancy or while nursing.  😊

Who’s ready to set themselves up for a lifetime of beautiful skin???