Friday FAQ – Ask the Expert with Susan Goldberg, RN/NA -- BOTOX



Welcome to our very first Friday FAQ!  Today we’re talking Botox!  Did you know that Botox is the #1 selling product of its kind in the US and the world? (thanks to our Botox distributor Allergan for this little tidbit).  It certainly is one of our most popular services!  Here are my answers to some of the most common Botox questions Comment below with your own Botox questions!

Q:   At what age can I start getting Botox injections?

A:    Many women choose to start Botox in their late 20’s or early 30’s to reduce fine lines and wrinkles, and also to prevent further lines and wrinkles.  Just remember, you cannot get Botox injections when you are pregnant or nursing.

Q:   Will it hurt?

     A:    Not much, most patients say it feels like a pinch.

Q:   How long does the treatment take?

A:    It’s very quick!  Botox takes about 20 minutes, which is why it’s sometimes called a “lunchtime procedure.”  But we book our appointments for at least 30 minutes, so we can have time to really understand our client’s needs and medical history.

Q:   Will I look “frozen”?

A:    I mean, we all love Queen Elsa, but none of us actually want to be an ice queen, right?  Botox is a “technique sensitive treatment.”  This means that you need to be sure and get Botox from someone you trust.  You shouldn’t lose the ability to show expressions or cry during your favorite Disney movie, if you are treated by a licensed and trained provider.  After administering 25 years of anesthesia, I have great needle skills!  We’ll make sure you get the subtle and natural results you’re looking for.

Q:   How long does it last?

A:    Botox is proven to last three to four months. You will get the most benefit and protect your investment better if you get treated every three to four months.  This is because Botox works best when the muscle is fatigued, so you don’t want to be retreated when that muscle has already returned to full contraction.  For some great before-and-after photos, visit, or visit our office!

Q:   Are there side effects?

A:    As with any medical procedure, there are some possible side effects.  Whenever I have a new patient, he or she is required to fill out a medical history and we will discuss if you are a good candidate for Botox.  We also discuss any possible side effects and drug interactions you may have.  Also – if you ever get the “Dr. Spock” eyebrow, don’t walk around like that!  Always go back to your provider for a re-dose.  This reaction occurs when the Botox disperses a small amount.  This can sometimes happen, but luckily it is an easy fix.

Q:   My friend invited me to a “Botox Party” at her house.  Do you do those?

A:    Nope.  I believe that Botox, and all the treatments I perform, are medical procedures and should be completed in a medical facility.  Our office is kept immaculately clean and organized, and I wouldn’t see patients anywhere else.  Don’t get Botox in your friend’s kitchen!

Q:   Do you have any discount or reward programs?

A:    Check out the Brilliant Distinctions Reward Program!  You can download the app on your smart phone, set up your account, and you will earn points for every qualifying treatment, and then redeem the points for future treatments!


Comment Below with your own questions!

With Love ~ Susan