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OUR Non-surgical cosmetic services help tighten, smooth, SCULPT AND enhance your natural body contours.
What Type of Body TREATMENTs Are Available?
Many patients have the same goal when it comes to body contouring: reduce fat in unwanted areas and improve skin laxity. As such, many non-surgical services target these root issues. However, not everyone’s body is created equally, so the same procedure may not be ideal for everyone! At Seaside Aesthetics, we customize the following procedures to deliver an exceptional experience tailored to your unique needs.
What Is Body CONTOURing?
Are you struggling with stubborn, unwanted fat in areas of your body? Don't worry – you are certainly not alone. Despite attempts to reduce flabby tummies, tighten abs, and lift the buttocks, patients may not always achieve their desired results. In many cases, diet and exercise cannot target all areas of the body that need improvement, resulting in undesirable fat bulges or dimpling. Body sculpting services refer to procedures, techniques, and products available to help men and women target common imperfections in the body, such as signs of aging or effects of gravity.
At Seaside Aesthetics, we offer a wide range of customizable treatments to patients throughout Massachusetts. Together with our expertly-trained staff, you can customize a body sculpting treatment that helps to tighten, firm, and tone problem areas. Our goal is to help patients feel rejuvenated and sexy while offering natural-looking results – without invasive surgeries. What Are the Benefits of Cosmetic Body Services?
Many areas of our body tend to be stubborn, resisting traditional weight loss procedures and showing little results despite attempts at exercise, diet, or fasting. Our non-surgical body contouring services help correct fluctuations in the body deriving from weight gain, hormonal changes, sedentary habits, genetics, aging, and more. We can also address texture, telangiectasia, pigmentation, scarring, and cellulite using laser resurfacing treatments and hair removal services. Many benefits of the procedures we offer at Seaside Aesthetics include:
No surgery, downtime, or recovery required
Virtually painless procedures
Non-invasive techniques
Can be used for a variety of skin tones and textures
Brighten, smoother skin with reduced blemishes
Recovering From Non-Surgical Body Contouring Procedures
Non-surgical contouring is becoming an increasingly popular alternative to surgery and procedures like liposuction or body lifts. Often results improve naturally over time and there is no pain or discomfort. At Seaside Aesthetics, our body services include procedures with no downtime, like laser technology, radio-frequency energy, or ultrasounds to address your aesthetic concerns. This means you can enjoy incredible results, like smooth skin, tighter muscles, and improved body shape with suffering painful incisions, visible scars, or long and unpleasant recovery times.
The Cost of Body Services in Marblehead and THE North Shore
Our services are always customized to address your unique body structure and aesthetic needs. As such, the cost of treatment per patient will vary to match the area being treated and the extent of correction desired. If you are combining treatments, this can also affect the final price.
Are you ready to enhance your appearance and reduce stubborn fat, unwanted hair, or loose skin around the abdomen, back, arms, legs, thighs, or buttocks? Call Seaside Aesthetics today at (978) 225-0187 and schedule a consultation to learn how a body contouring procedure can help you look and feel like a brand new you!