Please watch this short video for more details:




What is sclerotherapy? 

Sclerotherapy is the injection of a sclerotherapy solution or foam directly into varicose and or spider veins. This results in a reaction in the vein which causes it to scar and forces blood to reroute through healthier veins. The collapsed vein eventually fades and is resorbed. 

What types of veins can be treated? 

Spider veins, reticular veins and small varicose veins can all be treated. Spider veins are the small blue or red veins close to the surface of the skin. Reticular veins are slightly larger blue veins which are slightly deeper and often can be feeder veins for the spider veins. Varicose veins are deeper bulging veins. 

Why is sclerotherapy performed? 

At Seaside Aesthetics, sclerotherapy is performed only for cosmetic purposes - to improve the appearance of the veins. Insurance does not cover sclerotherapy of spider or reticular veins even if symptomatic. The procedure may result in improvement of symptoms directly related to the veins such as burning or aching. 

How is the procedure performed? 

You will be lying on your back or stomach. The area of injection will be cleansed with alcohol. Using magnification, a small needle is inserted into the vein and the sclerosing solution injected. The needle is then withdrawn and the area compressed with a cotton ball and tape. Multiple injections are performed. At the conclusion of the procedure, the client is placed in compression stockings. No anesthesia is used and most people do not find the procedure painful. However, some people do have complaints of burning or stinging. The procedure will take approximately 30 minutes. 

After the procedure 

  • Up and walking immediately after the procedure.

  • Compression stockings are to be worn constantly for ~48 hrs. Following that, you may shower and wear your stockings during the day for a total of 10 - 14 days No strenuous lower body exercise for 10 - 14 days. However, walking is encouraged. Full activity resumed after 10 - 14 days. 

  • Wear sunblock daily if legs exposed to sun. 

  • Office evaluation 2-3 weeks after procedure. 


Most people can expect a 60 - 70% improvement in the treated areas. Those area that do not improve can be treated again. 


  • Sclerotherapy has few serious side effects. 

  • There is a low risk of allergy to the sclerosant. Polidocanol is the sclerosant used at Seaside Aesthetics. 

  • Bruising may occur at the injection site. 

  • Inflammation and itching may occur. 

  • Discoloration at the injection site which will usually resolve in weeks to months but rarely can be permanent. 

  • Small areas of trapped blood in treated veins. If these areas are significant enough, evacuation with a needle may be recommended. 

  • Multiple new tiny red veins. 

  • Most side effects resolve within days to weeks but some may take months.

Prior to treatment 

All new clients must undergo evaluation in the office prior to scheduling sclerotherapy. At that time, a focused history and physical exam will be performed to determine the client is an appropriate candidate for the procedure. The procedure will be fully explained and if the client wishes to proceed, arrangements will be made for the purchase of compression stockings and the procedure will be scheduled.