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Enhance your facial contour by eliminating unwanted fat from beneath the chin with Kybella® injections at Seaside Aesthetics in Marblehead, MA.
What is Kybella®?
Kybella® is a unique dermal injectable treatment that works to eliminate the accumulation of unwanted fat and skin cells that develop underneath the chin. Often known as a “double chin”, Kybella® uses a powerful solution to help dissolve the fat so that it is reabsorbed into the body without needing invasive surgery or liposuction. The main ingredient in Kybella®, deoxycholic acid, is specially formulated to reduce submental fat without damaging the surrounding cells.
Who Can Receive Kybella® Injections?
At Seaside Aesthetics, we recommend Kybella® injections to patients who are in good general health and are struggling to reduce the appearance of a minor double chin. As it is very difficult to treat this type of fat through diet or exercise, Kybella® injections are an excellent option for patients who want to improve their profile.
What Are the Benefits of Kybella®?
The main goal of Kybella® treatments is to help reduce excess dietary fat that accumulates beneath the jaw, causing the appearance of a double chin. Other benefits of this procedure include:
● A thinner, more youthful overall appearance
● Better facial definition and contour
● Improved confidence and self-esteem
● Fast, easy, and minimally-invasive
How is Kybella® Administered?
The process for administering Kybella® injections at Seaside Aesthetics is very similar to Botox® or other dermal filler services. Using an ultra-thin needle, your aesthetician will inject the Kybella® solution directly into the submental area. During your consultation, one of our team members will discuss the number of treatments recommended to achieve your desired result.
How Long Does Kybella® Last?
Patients often rave about Kybella®’s ability to destroy fat cells without invasive surgery. Furthermore, the solution in Kybella® prevents new cells from accumulating or forming in the area. This means that once the desired result is achieved, further touch-ups or appointments are not expected to be necessary.
What Causes Submental Fullness?
The term “submental fullness” refers to this unsightly accumulation of dietary fat beneath the jaw, which gives us the appearance of multiple chins. For some patients, they have struggled with this since childhood, deriving from genetics, while others develop it after weight gain or as they age. In any case, it can appear on men and women of various ages, weight, and build.
How Much Does Kybella® Cost in Marblehead?
The cost of Kybella® treatments will vary based on your unique aesthetic plan. Additionally, it is important to remember that the cost of your treatment may include a consultation, as well as expert care and attention from our team of highly-qualified medical aesthetic professionals.
To learn more about starting Kybella® treatments to help reduce the appearance of the dreaded double chin for good, call Seaside Aesthetics today at (978) 225-0187 to schedule a medical aesthetic consultation with Susan Goldberg, BSN, RN/NA.
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